Best Gratitude Apps of 2023 - Free on Android The emergence of gratitude apps has revolutionized the way individuals engage with gratitude practices. Rather than relying on traditional methods, such as physical journals, these apps offer a convenient and user-friendly experience, serving as a digital companion to guide users on a journey of self-reflection and appreciation. Whether you’re new to the practice or already consider yourself a master, gratitude apps are an excellent choice to help foster a more positive lifestyle. Showing gratitude on a regular basis could improve your overall health, wellness, and satisfaction in life in just a few minutes a day. Practicing gratitude has been shown to be one of the most effective interventions in positive psychology, improving mental health and wellbeing ( Komase et al ). This improved mood has been verified numerous times, such as in the 2003 study by Emmons & McCullough . Maintaining a gratitude practice has also been associated w